Mutual acceptance or rejection? Exploring social distance among German, Turkish and resettle adolescents


  • Dr. Joachim Brüß Universidad de Bielefeld.


immigration, muslim, east-european, social distance, prejudice, adolescents


German, Turkish and resettle (Aussiedler) adolescents. Research results reveal significant differences between the groups. On the whole, adolescents of German descent tend to keep a certain distance from Turkish and resettle youth, while for Turkish youth this is not the case. Resettle adolescents tend to distance themselves from the lower status group (in this case Turkish adolescents), and they seem to accept the group with higher status (in this case German adolescents). Taking these findings into account, the asymmetry hypothesis according to Social Dominance Theory holds.


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Author Biography

Dr. Joachim Brüß, Universidad de Bielefeld.

Instituto para la investigación interdisciplinar de conflictos y violencia (Institut für interdisziplinäre Konflikt- und Gewaltforschung). Universidad de Bielefeld.


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How to Cite

Brüß, D. J. (2014). Mutual acceptance or rejection? Exploring social distance among German, Turkish and resettle adolescents. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (15), 85–112. Retrieved from


