Immigration policy in Italy between right of asylum and duty to work


  • Tiziana Caponio Italia; políticas de inmigración y asilo; evolución legislativa.
  • Claudia Finotelli IMIS. Universidad de Osnabruck. Alemania.


Italy, immigration and asylum policies, evolution in legislation


This paper deals with the immigration and asylum policies in Italy since 1975, when for the first time the immigrant/emigrant ratio became higher than one. Special attention is devoted to both the recent legislative developments and the transition from the law n. 40/1998 (approved by the centre-left coalition) to the law n. 189/2002 (approved by the centre-right coalition), which is currently ruling in the country. The new law is more restrictive with respect to the entry of new irregular migrants and it reduces the possibility of regular migrants to obtain long-term residence-permits. The law also weakens the refugees' juridical status and guarantees. These changes point out the tendency to make the conditions for migrants more and more precarious. This attitude is in agreement with a political discourse mainly concentrated on the themes of security and legality. In this kind of approach, labor migrants and asylum seekers are both considered potential clandestine migrants. In spite of the official rhetoric, immigration and asylum policies in Italy seem to converge into a migration model based on the «back door» of irregular entries for work purposes and on ex-post regularizations. Such a model has been confirmed by the present law, which allowed again an amnesty for irregular migrants, the fifth in sixteen years.


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How to Cite

Caponio, T., & Finotelli, C. (2014). Immigration policy in Italy between right of asylum and duty to work. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (14), 63–96. Retrieved from