Network economy and migratory policies. Towards a global labour market?


  • Luis V. Abad Márquez Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Network economy, Globalization, Migratory policies, Labour markets


The article examines the way in which the present demands of the global network economy contribute to explain the regulative schizophrenia that characterizes migratory policies. The new ways of international division of labour, together with the productive de-location practices, shape transnational spaces for production and are giving rise to an increasing worldwide assembly of labour force which, nevertheless, harmonizes with a local use of manpower and does not require massive movements. On the other hand, globalization, while increasing the labour market dualization, is making developed economies grow more and more dependent on selective foreign manpower quota. These facts explain why migratory policies, at the same time as they close borders generically need to open them selectively. The article argues that this selective opening, in particular to a highly qualified labour force, cannot be taken as an indicator of the gestation of a true global labour market, since economic globalization progresses depending not only on different rates, but also on different logics according to markets.


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How to Cite

Abad Márquez, L. V. (2014). Network economy and migratory policies. Towards a global labour market?. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (14), 305–341. Retrieved from