Attitudes And Aggressive Actions. Inter-Ethnic Tensions Among German, Turkish And Resettler Adolescents


  • Joachim Bruess Universidad de Bielefeld.


violence, antisocial behaviour, adolescents, immigration, inter-ethnic relations.


The interaction between immigrants and members of the host society has been and still is an important issue during processes of migration. This study analyses inter-ethnic aggressive antisocial actions among adolescents. A descriptive analysis reveals the frequency of such behaviour among German, Turkish and Resettler (Aussiedler) adolescents. The explanatory analysis concentrates on the influence of a) attitudes towards violence (justifications), b) an approval with social dominance, c) bargaining as a conflict resolution strategy, and d) trust in the judicial system (a fair treatment according to the law). It is assumed that justifications for violent behaviour and the approval with social dominance are likely to increase inter-ethnic aggressive antisocial actions. In contrast, bargaining as a preference for conflict resolution and trust in the judicial system are supposed to reduce such behaviour. A final comparison reveals whether the explanations are substantial across the groups.


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Author Biography

Joachim Bruess, Universidad de Bielefeld.

Instituto de Investigación Multidisciplinar de los Conflictos y la Violencia. Universidad de Bielefeld.


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How to Cite

Bruess, J. (2014). Attitudes And Aggressive Actions. Inter-Ethnic Tensions Among German, Turkish And Resettler Adolescents. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (13), 209–240. Retrieved from


