Changes In Political Participation Immigrants In The Region Brussels Capital. October 2002 Election


  • Dirk Jacobs Univ. de Gante.
  • Marco Martiniello Univ. de Lieja.
  • Andrea Rea Univ. de Bruselas.


The October 2000 elections did constitute a landmark for the political participation of immigrants in the Brussels Capital Region. There was a remarkable increase of elected Belgian politicians of non-EU – mainly Moroccan – origin. In this contribution we want to discuss the changing patterns of political participation of immigrants in the Brussels Capital Region as seen in the most recent local elections. We will try to contextualize the electoral success of Turkish and (mainly) Moroccan politicians and the poor involvement of EU-citizens in the recent elections. To this purpose, we will also have to discuss the political situation in the bilingual region of Brussels, Belgian citizenship law and regulations on political participation of foreign residents.


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How to Cite

Jacobs, D., Martiniello, M., & Rea, A. (2016). Changes In Political Participation Immigrants In The Region Brussels Capital. October 2002 Election. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (11), 113–139. Retrieved from


