The foreign population of age in Spain. A descriptive approach.


  • Colectivo Ioé W. Actis
  • Colectivo Ioé C. Pereda
  • Colectivo Ioé M. Á. de Prada


The aim of the article is to use data hitherto unknown to palliate in part the present lack of knowledge about the origin, geographic distribution, sex and age of foreigners under 16 with regularized residence in Spain. The authors admit that to describe statistically a social phenomenon is neither to understand it nor to know it, but they insist on the importance of knowing the age structure of immigrant groups.


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How to Cite

W. Actis, C. I., C. Pereda, C. I., & M. Á. de Prada, C. I. (2016). The foreign population of age in Spain. A descriptive approach. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (6), 43–59. Retrieved from