Between the national and transnational logics: the case of Kichwa Otavalo migration


  • Andrea Ruiz Balzola Investigadora Post Doctoral (Gobierno Vasco) del Equipo Retos Sociales y Culturales en un Mundo en Transformación, Instituto de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Deusto.



transnationalism, migration, ethnicity, mobility, citizenship


The aim of the present article is to describe a process of mobility and construction of the territory that challenges the logics of borders and the categories related to the nation-state. This is well illustrated by the case study of the transnational trade of the kichwa otavalo. From here, we examine the challenges that processes like the later represent for the analytical framework that explains migratory movements within a territorial logic associated with the classical notion of citizenship.



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How to Cite

Ruiz Balzola, A. (2015). Between the national and transnational logics: the case of Kichwa Otavalo migration. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (36), 343–367.


