Migrate: a matter of life and death. The imaginary background to the migration project in the life story of a young Moroccan Ahmed


  • Zoubir Chattou Antropólogo. Profesor-investigador de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura de Meknes (Marruecos).
  • Pascale Ruffel Psicóloga. Nantes (Francia).


The story of Ahmed reveals the influence of the imaginary dimension in the migration problem. When Ahmed talks about his desire to leave Morocco and go to Europe, he tells not only the story about himself and his family but also of how he would have liked that story to have been, the one he dreamt about for his future. Ahmed is aware that the living conditions in Europe for immigrant workers are sometimes difficult. He considers exile to be on the same plane as prison or suicide. However, after death, there is sometimes a rebirth which allows one to avenge the humiliation and the poverty suffered. Thus, this story offers the possibility of understanding the inherent reasoning behind any migratory project or itinerary.


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How to Cite

Chattou, Z., & Ruffel, P. (2016). Migrate: a matter of life and death. The imaginary background to the migration project in the life story of a young Moroccan Ahmed. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (2), 59–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistamigraciones/article/view/4885


