Total growth and migratory population growth for Spain in the Mediterranean


  • Graciela Sarrible Doctora en Sociología. Universitat de Barcelona.


Within the context of western Europe, both natural and migrant growth factors have varied in recent years, especially in Mediterranean countries. Migrations in this area have similar characteristics, such as the rising number of registered female migrant workers or the place of origin of some of the immigrant groups. In the case of Spain, it is interesting to note that the main influx has been due to the return of Spanish immigrants in recent years, although this trend is declining. International migrant movements are not a continuation of migration to other European countries and should be specifically studied.



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How to Cite

Sarrible, G. (2016). Total growth and migratory population growth for Spain in the Mediterranean. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (2), 193–211. Retrieved from


