The effects of economic crisis in the framing and evolution of spanish public opinion towards immigration


  • Mª Ángeles Cea D’Ancona Universidad Complutense de Madrid



immigration, economic crisis, public opinion, intergroup conflict, xenophobia


This paper deals with the effects of economic crisis
in the change of attitudes towards immigration, by means of a
longitudinal approach via survey data. The analysis of dimensions
and indicators of xenophobia corroborates the negative effect of
economic turmoil and labor threat in the increase of xenophobia,
in tune with Intergroup Conflict Theory. Although in 2012,
rejection to immigration drew back, whereas ambivalence extended
and became tenuous tolerance. In its explanation stands out
the lowering of both real and perceived presence of immigrant
population, confirming the effect attributed to the out-group size.
Other subjects related to the framing of attitudes add themselves: the
image of immigration transmitted by the mass media and political
discourses, in addition to mutual knowledge (in accordance with
the Theory of Intergroup Contact).


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How to Cite

Cea D’Ancona, M. Ángeles. (2015). The effects of economic crisis in the framing and evolution of spanish public opinion towards immigration. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (37), 29–52.