Foreign immigrants in the spanish labour market: are they more resilient or more vulnerable to the economic crisis?


  • Fernando Gil-Alonso Universidad de Barcelona
  • Elena Vidal-Coso



employment, unemployment, labour market, immigration, Spain.


The Spanish Labour Force Survey has been used to analyse the impact of economic recession on both Spaniards’ and foreign migrants’ labour market participation. Data used covers from the third quarter 2007 —the moment just before the economic crisis begun— to the last available data when the paper was written.
We intend to answer the question on whether foreign migrants have felt the effect of the economic crisis more than Spanish people or, as other authors claim, they are more resilient than native workers to labour market harsher conditions. Results show that, though at the beginning, during the first years of the economic crisis, they effectively were more resilient, in a second part of the crisis, since the middle of 2011, and particularly from the beginning of 2013, foreign migrants are now the most affected by the recession and are
the ones that are currently losing more jobs.


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Comunicación presentada en el EAPS European Population Conference 2006, Liverpool, 21-24 de junio. Publicado en Papers de Demografia, 302.

How to Cite

Gil-Alonso, F., & Vidal-Coso, E. (2015). Foreign immigrants in the spanish labour market: are they more resilient or more vulnerable to the economic crisis?. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (37), 97–123.