The concept of integration from the sociology of migrations


  • Carlota Solé
  • Rosa Alcalde
  • Josep Pont
  • Kàtia Lurbe
  • Sònia Parella


Integration, intercultural conflict, citizenship.


The text presents the different sociological, classical and contemporary, perspectives on the concept of integration. The distinction between integration and assimilation is relevant. The text presents the use and application of the concept in order to deal with several dimensions of immigration coming from different countries and cultures.


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How to Cite

Solé, C., Alcalde, R., Pont, J., Lurbe, K., & Parella, S. (2016). The concept of integration from the sociology of migrations. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (12), 9–41. Retrieved from


