Reception processes and socio-cognitive effects of features films on immigration. The moderating role of prejudice towards immigrants


  • Juan José Igartua Observatorio de los contenidos audiovisuales, Universidad de Salamanca
  • Francisco Javier Frutos



Immigration movies, prejudice, modern racism, attitudes toward immigration, narrative persuasion.


The results of a research on the impact of films on immigration in attitudes towards immigration are presented. A quasi-experimental study with 142 high school students was carried out, establishing two conditions: watching a movie that emphasized discrimination and empathy reactions towards immigrants (Poniente) or watching a movie that emphasized the positive intergroup contact between ingroup and out-group characters (El Próximo Oriente). A month before viewing the movies participants filled a questionnaire that contained a scale to measure modern racism. Immediately after viewing the movies identification with ingroup and out-group characters, attitude towards immigration and other relevant reception processes were measured. It was observed that the film designed to stimulate empathy towards immigrants provoked greater identification with out-group characters, which in turn induced more positive attitudes towards immigration, but only when modern racism was low or moderate.


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How to Cite

Igartua, J. J., & Frutos, F. J. (2017). Reception processes and socio-cognitive effects of features films on immigration. The moderating role of prejudice towards immigrants. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (40), 33–61.


