The cultural and social integration in intra-european migration


  • Antonio Alaminos Chica Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Óscar Santacreu Fernández Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz Universitaria de Alicante


Migrations, Intercultural competence, Cultural orientation, Social integration, Psychological adaptation


When a migrant arrives to a different country, hemust choose how to behave in this new society. His background his present competences and his expectations about future affect this election. To understand how a migrant lives in his country of residence key concepts such as socialization processes, culture shock, intercultural competence or acculturation processes areneeded. Using data from the European Internal Movers’ SocialSurvey (EIMSS), this work focuses on the analysis of two dimensions, cultural integration and social integration, which will characterize the way that European migrants live in a new socialsetting, and their relation with the migrants’ perception of discrimination or their psychological adaptation, in terms of homesicknessand satisfaction with life.


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How to Cite

Alaminos Chica, A., & Santacreu Fernández, Óscar. (2012). The cultural and social integration in intra-european migration. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (30), 13–42. Retrieved from


