New Maids and Caretakers in Paris?: The Reactivation of Transnational Social Fields of Spanish Emigration Following the Economic Crisis


  • Laura Oso Universidade da Coruña



new Spanish emigration, economic crisis, female migrants, domestic and care work, transnational fields, France


This article analyses the migration of Spanish women to France following the 2008 economic crisis, considering the reactivation of the transnational social fields that have been built up between the two countries over the years. It reveals how the recession has led to a renewal of the gender-based labour niches filled by women emigrating to Paris in the period between 1950 and 1970 (bonnes à tout faire or maid, domestic workers, caretakers and cleaners), stemming from the reactivation of transnational fields built up through social networks woven by the various migratory trends. It provides an insight into the way these transnational fields are linked to global production and reproduction chains in terms of the patriarchal reorganisation of the labour market and workforce. It concludes that the economic crisis has reinforced traditional social reproduction channels rooted in gender-based sources of employment.


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Author Biography

Laura Oso, Universidade da Coruña

Laura Oso es Profesora Titular de Universidad en la Facultade de Socioloxia de la Universidade da Coruña (UDC) y acreditada a Cátedra en 2016. Es coordinadora del ESOMI (Equipo de Investigación en Sociología de las Migraciones Internacionales) en la UDC. Entre sus líneas de investigación destaca el estudio de la temática género y migración.


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How to Cite

Oso, L. (2017). New Maids and Caretakers in Paris?: The Reactivation of Transnational Social Fields of Spanish Emigration Following the Economic Crisis. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (43), 39–63.