Spanish High Qualified Migration after the Crisis. A Comparison with Italian, Greek and Portuguese High Qualified Migrations


  • Carmen González-Enríquez UNED
  • Jose Pablo Martínez Romera Real Instituto Elcano



Spanish migration, high qualified migration, South European migration, migration push factors, female migration


The article presents an analysis of the qualified Spanish recent emigration comparing it to that departing from Italy, Greece and Portugal. The source is a European survey that interviewed 6,387 people from the four South European countries. The reasons for emigration and the labour and income status in the country of origin and destination have been investigated, as well as the frequency of consular registration and the difficulties experienced in the host country. Spaniards have resisted the crisis during more time than the three other South European groups before making the decision to migrate, their departure has been motivated more frequently by unemployment, they face worse situations in the host country where they are more frequently unemployed and receive lower incomes. Furthermore, their command of the language of the country of destination is worse and this causes Spaniards greater difficulties of all types, be professional or vital.


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Author Biographies

Carmen González-Enríquez, UNED

Catedrática de Ciencia Política. UNED

Jose Pablo Martínez Romera, Real Instituto Elcano

Ayudante de investigación. Real Instituto Elcano.


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How to Cite

González-Enríquez, C., & Martínez Romera, J. P. (2017). Spanish High Qualified Migration after the Crisis. A Comparison with Italian, Greek and Portuguese High Qualified Migrations. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (43), 117–145.