Holding on to European residence rights versus the desire to return to origin country: a estudy of the return to origin and return constraints of ghanaian migrants in Vic


  • Edmond Akwasi Agyeman Instituto Universitario de Estudios Sobre Migraciones, Universidad Pontifi cia Comillas, Madrid.


Ghanaian migrants, Spain, Vic, Return intentions, Residence rights.


The article analyses the extent to which migrants desire to secure permanent residence rights in Spain is a strain on return migration. Through qualitative research studies among Ghanaian migrants living in Vic in the Barcelona province of Spain, the paper shows that while most migrants interviewed desire to return to settle in Ghana one day, they are not willing to surrender their residence rights in Spain. For that reason prospective returnees desireto first secure the right to leave and re-enter Spain without obstacles, through the acquisition of permanent residence permit and citizenship status. Others prefer that part of the family remains in Spain as a form of insurance for members who return. The paper suggests that return migration policies that require that migrants surrender their residence rights in Spain are less likely to motivate Ghanaian migrants to go back home.


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How to Cite

Akwasi Agyeman, E. (2012). Holding on to European residence rights versus the desire to return to origin country: a estudy of the return to origin and return constraints of ghanaian migrants in Vic. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (30), 135–159. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistamigraciones/article/view/83


