Foreigner’s Pre-removal Detention: What Can We Learn from Data? Analysis of Pre-Removal Files Processed in the Province of Barcelona in 2015




foreigner’s detention, detention centres, illegal migration, deportation of foreigners, Spain


This paper contains the most important findings of an empirical research on the detention files of undocumented migrants for the purpose of removal processed in the province of Barcelona in 2015. The analysis of 575 files with an innovative methodology offers relevant information about the profiles of deportable migrants and the way in which all involved actors (police, state prosecutors, lawyers and judges) behave. The study gives also information about the detention that precedes all files, as well as about the deportation order that should be executed thanks to pre-removal detention. All these figures show which is the way in which pre-removal detention works and which are the criteria that are used in the implementation of the legal rules that govern preremoval detention of undocumented migrants.


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Author Biographies

Markus Gonzalez Beilfuss, Universidad de Barcelona

Profesor titular de Derecho Constitucional

Depatamento de Ciencia Política, Derecho Constitucional y Filosofía del Derecho

Joan-Josep Vallbé, Universidad de Barcelona

Profesor agregado interino

Departamento de Ciencia Política, Derecho Constitucional y Filosofía del Derecho

Barak Kalir, Universidad de Amsterdam

Associate Professor

Department of Anthropology


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Beilfuss, M., Vallbé, J.-J., & Kalir, B. (2018). Foreigner’s Pre-removal Detention: What Can We Learn from Data? Analysis of Pre-Removal Files Processed in the Province of Barcelona in 2015. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (45), 57–88.


