Self-identification patterns of immigrant teenagers in catalonia. influence of generational cohort (1.25/1.50/1.75/2.0/2.5)


  • Cecilio Lapresta-Rey Universidad de Lleida
  • Ángel Huguet-Canalis Universidad de Lleida
  • Clara Sansó-Galiay Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Adelina Ianos


Identity, Self-identifi cation, Immigration, Generational cohort-Second generation, Social integration.


The aim of this article is to analyse the self identification of immigrant children with Catalonia and Other Territories (non Spanish). The generational cohort has been usedas a classification variable, in order to identify different migratory experiences (i.e. the arrival age or the fact that both or only one ofthe parents might have been born abroad). Data have been extracted from a sample of 550 secondary school students (from 13 to 16years old) in Catalonia. Results show that self-identifi cations differ when taking generational cohorts into consideration. Especially in the case of those that were born in Catalonia or the rest of Spain. On the other hand, there aren’t significant differences in the case of cohorts that were born abroad.


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Author Biography

Clara Sansó-Galiay, Generalitat de Catalunya

Becaria predoctoral FPI


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How to Cite

Lapresta-Rey, C., Huguet-Canalis, Ángel, Sansó-Galiay, C., & Ianos, A. (2013). Self-identification patterns of immigrant teenagers in catalonia. influence of generational cohort (1.25/1.50/1.75/2.0/2.5). Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (31), 99–123. Retrieved from


