Latin-american and maghrebian women migratory process and psychological adjustment: from a gender point of view


  • Edurne Elgorriaga Universidad del País Vasco
  • Cristina Martínez-Taboada
  • Nekane Otero


Immigration, Migratory process, Psychological adjustment, Perceived stress, Gender view.


This study examines the migratory process and psychological adjustment of immigrant women currently residing in the Basque Country. Perceived stress is analyzed in relationship with relevant psychosocial variables from a gender perspective.The sample consisted of 206 immigrant women, proceeding from Latin America (61.2%) and Maghreb (38.8%).The participants’ self-assessment of migratory and well-beingwas in overall positive, however, the diffi culties derived from thisprocess, and the migratory changes, infl uence the psychologicaladjustment of immigrant women.Results revealed that perceived stress is affected by the migratory process, educational level, residential status, and the balance of their situation, the elements crossed by factors asgender and/or cultural origin.


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How to Cite

Elgorriaga, E., Martínez-Taboada, C., & Otero, N. (2013). Latin-american and maghrebian women migratory process and psychological adjustment: from a gender point of view. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (31), 125–154. Retrieved from


