The etiology of international migration: relative deprivation and labor demand (the example of tamaulipas)


  • Simón Pedro Izcara Palacios


International migration, H-2A visas, Undocumented workers, Tamaulipas, United States


Theories of «Relative deprivation» and «Labor demand» explain international migration antagonistically. The formeris is focused on labor «supply-side» factors and emphasizes «expulsion» forces, while the latter underlines «demand-side» factors and highlights «attraction» forces. However, both offer acomplementary explanation of migratory forces. This article examines «Relative deprivation» and «Labor demand» theories tounderstand why Tamaulipas’ farm workers migrate to the UnitedStated, both undocumented and with H-2A visas, in search oftemporary jobs in the farming sector.


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How to Cite

Izcara Palacios, S. P. (2013). The etiology of international migration: relative deprivation and labor demand (the example of tamaulipas). Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (29), 11–29. Retrieved from


