The statistical challenge of being a senegalese emigrant in Spain: a comparative survey of secondary sources in origin and in destination regarding senegalese immigration in Spain


  • Iria Vázquez Silva Universidad de la Coruña


Statistical sources, Senegalese immigration, methodological nationalism, gender.


Statistical sources produced by immigrant sending countries have become relevant in the study of international migrations.This paper presents a case study focused in several statistical Senegalese sources for the period 1998-2002. Through the analysis of these sources we have obtained information (e.g. sendingregions) that would have remained unavailable if only Spanish sources had been taken into consideration. Senegalese sources also allow us to evaluate similarities and divergences in measurement of migration flows and show the different conception of “migration” held in both, Senegal and Spain. The ‘sex’ variablehas become particularly signifi cant, since Spanish and Senegales estatistical sources greatly diverge when considering such factor.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Silva, I. (2013). The statistical challenge of being a senegalese emigrant in Spain: a comparative survey of secondary sources in origin and in destination regarding senegalese immigration in Spain. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (29), 127–155. Retrieved from


