Convergencies and divergencies in the discourses and images of immigration registered in stages of bonanza vs crisis
xenophobias, xenophilias, immigration, crisis, discourses.Abstract
In this article some of the results of two chained
investigations are addressed, both focused in the study of the
migratory memory and the forms of xenophobia reported by local
and foreigners in Spain. A first study was carried out in a stage of
economic bonanza (2006-08); a second one, during moments
of crisis (2010-12). More specifically, the comparative analysis of
the gathered qualitative materials in both projects is synthesized,
which are accompanied by the complementary data from statistics,
surveys and other sources available. The present context of severe
economic and financial crisis has supposed a research opportunity
to verify if the increase of competition (in terms of employment
and public benefits) causes the outbreak of negative images of
speeches of immigration. Several of the reasons behind forms
of xenophobia and their counterpart, xenophilias, are revealed in
the coordinates of the referred space and time.
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