Does Law 14874, A New Ethical Regulation of Research with Human Beings in Brazil, Violate Human Rights?


  • Carlos Adriano Silva dos Santos Faculdade de Medicina do CESMAC
  • Rosamaría Gomes Faculdade de Medicina do CESMAC


Palabras clave:

bioethics, research ethics, human rights abuses, experimental drugs, health vulnerability


Free, post-study and indefinite access to the best prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic method that has been demonstrated to be effective during the study is a fundamental condition for protecting research participants. Since its inception in ethical regulations for research with human beings, Brazil has made this condition a cornerstone of protection for study participants. Through a qualitative analysis of Chapter VI of Law 14874, a new Law that regulates research with human beings in Brazil it was possible to perceive that there was a regression in the protection and recognition of the fundamental rights and dignity of the human beings participating in the research.



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Pesquisas com seres humanos no Brasil




Cómo citar

Silva dos Santos, C. A., & Gomes, R. (2024). Does Law 14874, A New Ethical Regulation of Research with Human Beings in Brazil, Violate Human Rights?. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (26), 01–14.