Ethics in Scientific Research

Particularities in Studies with People with Parkinson's Disease




Parkinson’s disease, Freire’s ethics, scientific research


Given the interest in academic and scientific circles, ethics in research has been studied for several decades. When carrying out a narrative review to find the ethical assumptions in research on Parkinson's disease, the possibility of integrating Freire's perspective in the act of investigating was also considered. A new stream of research based on Freire's critical pedagogy is to simultaneously reflect on the ontological, ideological, political and cultural identity domains, described throughout his work, and based on ethical-critical awareness.

The ethical requirements of clinical research in Parkinson's disease are: (1) respect for participants; (2) risk/benefit assessment; (3) informed consent; (4) adding value; (5) scientific validity; (6) careful selection of participants; (7) independent access to the study. Scientific evidence is consensual, verifying the inclusion of these people in a broader group of participants in view of their vulnerable condition.


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ética na investigação científica Parkinson



How to Cite

Loureiro, R., Bernardo, J., Loureiro, H., Oliveira, A. ., & Lima, M. . (2023). Ethics in Scientific Research: Particularities in Studies with People with Parkinson’s Disease. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (21), 1–16.