Humanization: A Conceptual and Attitudinal Problem




humanization, bioethics, Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Geneva, human dignity


The exercise of medicine has changed since its beginnings up to the present day. Technological advances and changes in the management of the health service caused a distance between the patient and the doctor. On the other hand, professionals prefer to not have their own patients, but rather to strictly adhere to the diagnosis or treatment (specialists) without involving or committing themselves. A fragmentation of the attention that does not benefit the patient can thus be observed. The humanization in medical attention is characterized by a group of practices that are orientated at achieving better attention and greater care. The humanization process of the endeavor contributes so that this is welcomed by the other party, to improve the relationship, the patient’s safety and to prevent medical errors.


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Author Biography

Patricia Sorokin, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Departamento de Salud Pública y Humanidades Médicas de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


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How to Cite

Rueda Castro, L., Gubert, I. C., Duro, E. A., Cudeiro, P., Sotomayor, M. A., Benites Estupiñan, E. M., López Dávila, L. M., Farías, G., Torres, F. A., Quiroz Malca, E., & Sorokin, P. (2018). Humanization: A Conceptual and Attitudinal Problem. Revista Iberoamericana De Bioética, (8), 01–15.


