Cooperation for Development and University Training

Learning from a Socio-Educational Experience in Piura (Peru)




education for development, university cooperation for development, social education, community development, education in values


Education for Development programs at the university level respond to the responsibility of universities to contribute to the challenges of the United Nations 2030 Agenda to fight poverty and inequality. This article deals with a collaborative experience between the Balearic University and the Center for the Support of Working Children and Adolescents (CANAT). This organisation is a socio-educational entity located in Piura (Peru) working for the development of adolescent workers and the improvement of their living conditions. The collaboration with internship of UIB students at Social Education’s degree and the research projects generated in the last years, are the starting point of a debate about the learning of professional competences in the field of cooperation for the development and the relevance of the ethical, community and citizen competences.


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How to Cite

Pascual Barrio, B., Gomila Grau, M. A. ., Pozo Gordaliza, R. ., Vecina Merchante, C. ., & Rentería Hernández, G. . (2020). Cooperation for Development and University Training: Learning from a Socio-Educational Experience in Piura (Peru). Comillas Journal of International Relations, (19), 80–90.