Global Citizenship and Service-Learning


  • David Armisén Garrido Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Cristina Imaz Chacón
  • Carlos Prieto Dávila Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Lucía Vallecillo Graziatti Universidad Pontificia Comillas



service-learning, citizenship, comprehensive training, solidarity, SDG


In a world of global challenges, the only way to face them is with a “global citizenship” perspective. Higher Education cannot limit its objectives to training technically competent professionals: if these professionals-to-be lack the capacity of critical analysis, if they do not have the skills to perceive how their decisions will influence their environment, if they have not developed skills to change it, and, moreover, if they have not exercised a certain degree of sensitivity and social awareness, they will be the leaders of a failed society. Service-Learning is a teaching-learning methodology that combines a better acquisition of theoretical knowledge, plus professional skills and competences, with the development of the ability to become aware, understand and analyze reality, learn how to intervene, and, finally, commit to transform it. We need great professionals capable of improving the world and, to achieve this, we need universities to bet on training them comprehensively.


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Author Biographies

David Armisén Garrido, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Comillas Solidaria

Cristina Imaz Chacón

Alumna colaboradora de Comillas Solidaria

Carlos Prieto Dávila, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Director de Comillas Solidaria

Lucía Vallecillo Graziatti, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Coordinadora de aprendizaje-servicio en Comillas Solidaria


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How to Cite

Armisén Garrido, D., Imaz Chacón, C. ., Prieto Dávila, C. ., & Vallecillo Graziatti, L. . (2020). Global Citizenship and Service-Learning. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (19), 100–106.