From bridge to bulwark: the evolution of Brics in Russian grand strategy


  • Rachel S. Salzman Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies



Russia, BRICS, identity, Ukraine Crisis, anti-Westernism


Russia has been the driving force in pushing and shaping the narrative of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) since the group began to acquire a political identity in the mid-2000s. Russia’s motivations for promoting BRICS, however, have evolved considerably over the last decade. While Moscow’s initial goal was to use the group as a rhetorical device to strengthen Russia’s bargaining position with the West, in the wake of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, BRICS has begun to symbolize for Russia a viable alternative to continued accommodation with the Western-led international system.


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Author Biography

Rachel S. Salzman, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Russian and Eurasian Studies


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How to Cite

Salzman, R. S. (2015). From bridge to bulwark: the evolution of Brics in Russian grand strategy. Comillas Journal of International Relations, (3), 1–13.


