La orden de los jesuitas en Valencia durante el pontificado de San Juan de Ribera


  • José Seguí Cantos


This article deals with the life of The Company in Valencia during the years of the pontificate of Saint Juan de Ribera. Especially, it highlights two characteristic aspects of the order since its foundation: the educational side toward the youths and the charitable and assistance related side. The centers of The Company in Valencia are the Casa Profesa and the School of San Pablo, erected in Seminar of the Order in the city. The incidence of the arder in Valencia is focused on the university conflict, in the presumed dispute of chairs and the competition among the teachers of the order for the hours of class at the University. The Patriarch has to put up with satires against him when he has just arrived to the archdiocese, as a consequence of the repressive measures that he adopts in the light of the content of the reports of the 1570 visit. The Patriarch got on well with the Jesuits, and a proof of it is Francisco de Borja's visit to Valencia, coming from Rome. Another conflict where a rivalry with the Dominicans mingled was the theological dispute on the Grace that gave place to a current of more intimate religiosity-clase to the Iluminism arisen in previous decades-led by the father Luis Malina. The Company, in spite of its youth, knew how to respond appropriately to the challenges of the new Church derived from the Council of Trento and in those years we stand out in this work its efforts to improve the administration of the sacraments and the religious life of its members, as well as their humanistic preparation in Sciences and Arts.




