Miscelánea Comillas' 75 years of age


  • Manuel Revuelta González


Comillas University, journals, interdisciplinarity, faculty, research


On the 75th birthday of Miscelánea Comillas, this article discusses three of its historical landmarks. Firstly, we remember its origins, in 1943, when the university celebrated its 50th anniversary. As part of the celebrations, the university published a book that included academic articles written by students and faculty. Two years later, this book evolved into a periodical publication offering multi-disciplinary contents. Secondly, the journal is described as a historical mirror of the different faculties connected to it. The last part of the paper analyzes the journal in its role of promoting faculty research, by publishing their articles and reviews, and advertising their scholarly publications.

Author Biography

Manuel Revuelta González

Profesor emérito de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas





Bloque conmemorativo 75.º aniversario «Miscelánea Comillas»