Transformation of Families. The Emergence of the Only Child


  • Joan Tahull Fort Universitat de Lleida
  • Iolanda Montero Plaza Universitat Oberta de Catalunya



individualization, familial transformation, family, only child


In recent years, a process of individualization has been occurring in Western countries, including Spain, and its effects can be seen in many aspects, as well as in the heart of the family. Progressively, the number of children in a household is being reduced, giving way to new familial typologies, which not long ago were marginal and rarely taken into account. The emergence of an only-child majority is changing social dynamics and possibly its structure. For the completion of the investigation, official quantitative data is presented and experts on the topic are interviewed. The choice of many parents to have an only child is far from being considered selfish and narcissistic behavior. On the contrary, it answers the needs imposed on by the postmodern era. They can offer their children a wider range and a better selection of formation possibilities to be able to adapt better to a future society which is complex and changing.

Author Biographies

Joan Tahull Fort, Universitat de Lleida

GESEC (Grupo Estudios sobre Sociedad, Salud, Educación y Cultura)

Iolanda Montero Plaza, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Departament d’Educació


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