Reflections on the training of educators


  • Claudio Vinicio Solís Cortez Liceo Javier



training, educators, educational quality, transformation


This article expresses a series of ideas about the training of educators. Its fundamental purpose is to invite reflection on the role of teachers in the integral human training of students. Good educators are needed to train good teachers, in order to create a new educational model in the face of the current paradigm that has expired. For this purpose the training of educators fulfills an essential mission in the improvement of educational quality for the transformation of a society that supports human values that dignify people, with the search for the common good on the horizon. These reflections lead to the conclusion that education can only be improved by training brilliant educators whose profile is linked to some essential requirements that allow them to help other human beings grow cognitively, humanly and emotionally. School leadership fulfils an important function in the management of the processes of improvement in educational quality, of which the training of educators is a key part. The conclusions of this article lead us to consider that only through education will the construction of a new society be possible, and for this the training of good educators is essential.


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