Towards a Formative Feedback In Blended And Remote Models


  • Armando Najarro Arriola Universidad Rafael Landívar



evaluation, formative evaluation, feedback, one minute paper, ignatian window, oral questions, short papers, small groups, blended modality, distance modality


The new educational reality, generated by the pandemic, has been a challenge for the educational process, especially concerning evaluation. And within it, to develop the training function, which, however, is now the one that can lead us to rescue a b-learning or distance learning process, and raise it to the quality of effectiveness. The privileged way of carrying out the training function is undoubtedly the use of pedagogical feedback, which can be described as the way to provide «training» information to the student to indicate how far away from the dominion he or she is. Now with these new modalities that Covid-19 has pushed us to use, it is necessary to particularly cultivate that «feedback» in the models that have been generated for training at all levels, though this article delves especially into the university context.


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