A Spanish Jesuit in China

From the imperial palace into exile. Diego de Pantoja (1571-1618)


  • Federico Lombardi, SJ Fondazione Vaticana Joseph Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI




Diego de Pantoja, mission, Jesuits in China, seven victories


This article provides an overview of the life and works of Diego de Pantoja (1571-1618), one of the pioneers of the Jesuit mission in China. Following the path opened by Francis Xavier, Diego de Pantoja arrived in Peking in the retinue of Matteo Ricci, which gave him access to the Chinese literati at the imperial court and thus contributed to the stability of the mission. The article starts with the formative years of his youth and closes with the persecution of Nanjing, including the period of missionary activity undertaken in Peking as collaborator and then successor of Matteo Ricci. Furthermore, it examines the main contributions of Diego de Pantoja to the missionary cause, highlighting the writing of the Relación de la entrada de algunos padres de la Compañia de Jesús en la China and of The seven victories over the seven deadly sins (Qikedaquan) as well as the reform of the calendar.


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