Philosophical aspects of music in ancient Greece

Homeostasis and management of social life




philosophy, Ancient Greece, music, emotion, homeostasis, emotional regulation, ethics, citizen


This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of music in classical Greek philosophy. Music was considered an indispensable instrument for achieving peaceful coexistence in the polis due to its function of regulating the emotions of citizens and generating ethical values. This view emerges from the principles established by Pythagoras in the Music of the Spheres, which establish the harmonious relationship between mathematics and music and exert a profound influence on the thought of Plato and Aristotle regarding the power of music to make the citizen a virtuous being. In conclusion, a parallel is drawn between these conceptions and the latest neuroscientific discoveries about the importance of emotion in ethics.

Author Biography

María Fernanda Forcillo, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Doctorando en Filosofía: Condición Humana y Trascendencia


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