María Zambrano and Humanistic Knowledge that Must Always Accompany Philosophy




reason, poetic reason, nihilism, idealism, metaphysics, aesthetics, Spanish philosophy, life, human life, meaning


One of the fundamental tasks that true philosophy has to face in order to recover its own space among human knowledge is to rescue both reality and human life from the rigid conceptual structures proposed by a certain way of doing philosophy, rationalism/idealism, which always, for that reason, ended up being moral rigidity. This was the task that Ortega y Gasset set himself under the slogan: The theme of our time. And it is the task that, with her new understanding of reason, poetic reason, María Zambrano wants to continue. Because when philosophy does not take charge of human life, human life abandons philosophy and thus loses one of the most fundamental possibilities of giving meaning to its life.


Nietzsche, F. (1999). Aurora. Barcelona: Editorial Alba. (cf. también, ibid. (1998) La gaya ciencia. Madrid, Editorial Akal, 58).

Scheler, M. (2000). El puesto del hombre en el cosmos. Barcelona: Editorial Alba.

Zambrano, M. (1986) Senderos. Barcelona: Anthropos.

Zambrano, M. (1987). Revista de documentación científica de la cultura, Suplemento n° 2, Barcelona, marzo-abril, 32.

Zambrano, M. (1996). Horizonte del liberalismo, Madrid: Morata.

Zambrano, M. (2004). Pensamiento y poesía en la vida española. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva (el añadido entre paréntesis es mío).

Zambrano, M. (2006). Filosofía y poesía. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Unamuno, M. (2007). Del sentimiento trágico de la vida. Madrid: Austral.





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