The family-school relationship. Looking at us with different eyes


  • Ignacio Fernández-Santos Ortiz


Family, Tutorials, Expectancy, Confidence, Demand for education, family counseling


Educational centres and families have shared educational responsibilities. It is important to have present the expectations of each part and value their different contributions so that the exchange of responsibilities is more useful. Also, it is key to understand the processes that facilitate the appearance of the confidence. Tutors must be a bridge between families and educational institutions, and because of that, they should feel supported formative and institutionally so that they can carry their task out of paying attention to the families of their students adequately. Educational success of an institution that teaches elementary education and obligatory education is linked to the efficiency in the direct attention to the families.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Fernández-Santos Ortiz

Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Sevilla y Diplomado en Asesoramiento y Orientación Familiar por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Título oficial de psicólogo especialista en Psicología Clínica (MEC), Profesor de prácticas del master de Psicoterapia Relacional de la Universidad de Sevilla desde 1994 a 2009. Terapeuta de Familia. Orientador del colegio san Agustín de Sevilla. Desarrolla tareas de orientación educativa y formación de padres desde 1987. Es miembro del equipo de profesionales del centro de atención a la familia “Clará” de Sevilla

How to Cite

Fernández-Santos Ortiz, I. (2013). The family-school relationship. Looking at us with different eyes. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (336), 7–11. Retrieved from