The partnership with parents to special needs middle and high school


  • Pedro Martínez García


, Pedagogic orientation, parents-students relation, teacher-student relation, individual characteristic, Personality


This article is a reflection of the role that the school and the families should have in relation to the students and their educational special needs during Secondary Education and Higher Secondary Education. When we talk about this kind of students, the Spanish education system supports the principles of inclusion and normality. However, the daily practice shows that the diversity tends to be perceived, understood and attended from excepcionality. This position risks the actions that were created to attend these type of students. An effective help in terms of respect requires specific trainning of the teacher body, the incorporation of parents into schoolar support and leadership of the school in the procces. In any case, the departments of schoolar orientation should plung the coordination of all thesee actions.


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Author Biography

Pedro Martínez García

Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Master en Psicología Clínica y de la Salud por el Centro de Intervención en Terapia de Conducta (CINTECO). Es orientador del colegio Ntra.  Sra. del Recuerdo de Madrid y psicoterapeuta de la Unidad de Intervención Psicosocial de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas (UNINPSI) y del Centro de Atención a la Diversidad Educativa (CADE). Profesor honorario de las facultades de psicología y psicopedagogía de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Autor de diversos artículos relacionados con la psicología y la educación.

How to Cite

Martínez García, P. (2013). The partnership with parents to special needs middle and high school. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (336), 23–26. Retrieved from