Autism in the Classroom. Beyond Diagnosis


  • Rebeca Cabrera Urquía Centro PAAIGI Urquía



autism, school support, educational needs, inclusion, PAAIGI


Despite countless studies, we continue to face serious difficulties in making education accessible to people with ASD. The difficulties associated with this disorder, make autism spectrum disorder a challenge to the educational community.

This article presents an educational experience with students with ASD through the use of the Adapted Learning Program for the Global Integration of the Individual (PAAIGI). A therapeutic program that moves into the classroom to provide a comprehensive response to the needs of people with ASD. Behavior, body, communication and school curriculum make up a unique reality that requires individualized interventions in all contexts.


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Author Biography

Rebeca Cabrera Urquía, Centro PAAIGI Urquía

Creadora del programa PAAIGI, con un máster en terapia conductual, es licenciada en psicología, diplomada en Logopedia, experta en mediación familiar, experta universitaria en trastornos psicológicos de la infancia y la juventud, experta en Trastornos de la lectura y la escritura y formadora internacional en el área de diversidad funcional.



How to Cite

Cabrera Urquía, R. (2019). Autism in the Classroom. Beyond Diagnosis. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (379), 34–39.