Monograph: Language and Writing: Introduction to language development.


  • Sabella Fernández Trelles
  • Ana Isabel González Iglesias
  • Mª Eugenia Fernández Mella
  • Laura Pampín Ares


Language, development, activities, reading, writing, education and centerfold


The monograph starts doing a reflection about the maturity of the children and when is the adequate moment to teach each learning. It starts from the idea that each child has his/her own rhythm of development but that all of them follow an evolutionary pattern of development common to everyone. It provides different activities and strategies that favor the language evolution as well as observation guidelines, problems detection and pacification for intervention.


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How to Cite

Fernández Trelles, S., González Iglesias, A. I., Fernández Mella, M. E., & Pampín Ares, L. (2013). Monograph: Language and Writing: Introduction to language development. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (333). Retrieved from



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