Biocontexto and competencies


  • Joaquín Molina Vallejo


Pedagogic experience, Teaching style, Biology, Minimum competences, Experiental learnin, experience


This paper approaches the issue of the application of the competences to scientific matters with students of Secondary Education –Sciences for the Contemporary World and Biology-. If we pay attention to the context in which we live, based on the widespread use of the TIC and the web 2.0, it is only natural to find a revolution of knowledge in these two disciplines and a great quantity of content that makes almost indispensable to deal with the way of teaching the students. It is important to change the basic lectures in which the teacher uses a great amount of technical vocabulary of biology to another pedagogic strategy. In Catalunya, for years, there has been a different way to approach the biology contents of the subjects. This initiative is focused on the context of the students, very important to them, and from which it is possible to articulate basic knowledge of this subject. The changes that were introduced in the entrance examinations of Biology in 1998 were already going in this line and, possibly, they were the issue that led to break with the classical approaches. With this project called Biocontexto, a group of teachers proposes to approach all the contents of these subjects using biological contexts that are relevant.


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Author Biography

Joaquín Molina Vallejo

Licenciado en Biologia, profesor de esta disciplina y de otras áreas de la ciencias, y de matemáticas en el centro Jesuïtes Gràcia – Col·legi Kostka, de Jesuïtes Educació, en Barcelona. Experiencia investigadora en el Departamento de Bioquímica de la facultat de Biologia – Universidad de Barcelona. Colaborador de las pruebas de selectividad de Biologia de Catalunya de 1999 a 2001. Forma parte del grupo de autores del proyecto Biocontext, un proyecto editorial con la clara vocación de incidir en un cambio radical en los métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Biologia, y de las ciencias en general, a partir de contextos próximos y relevantes para el alumnado, y con técnicas proactivas, como el ABP o el aprendizaje por proyectes, una apuesta decidida por el trabajo de las competencias. Jefe del Departamento de Ciencias del centro mencionado y coordinador de bachillerato. Desde 2010, director de ESO y Bachillerato.

How to Cite

Molina Vallejo, J. (2013). Biocontexto and competencies. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (329), 30–33. Retrieved from


