Teachers´ attitude


  • Juan Vaello Orts


attitude, teacher training, classroom management, skills, emotions


If teachers were emotionally competent, the classrooms would be safe places with exquisite coexistence and continuous learning acquisition. Considering the three edges of the teacher and students’ effectiveness: to want, to know and to be able, the key in on the attitude with which the everyday challenges that the class presents are faced. So it is essential to reflect about the self-attitude, principally stressing the detection of our potentials and dysfunctions or the competences we have to train in order to improve the classroom management ability.


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Author Biography

Juan Vaello Orts

Orientador, exdirector de IES,  habitual colaborador en actividades de formación del profesorado.

Autor de diversas publicaciones sobre pedagogía. Las últimas:

-Resolución de conflictos en el aula. Santillana. 2003.

-Las habilidades sociales en el aula. Santillana. 2005.

-El profesor emocionalmente competente. Graó. 2009.

-Cómo dar clase a los que no quieren. Graó (reedición). 2011.

-Claves para gestionar conflictos en el aula. ICE de la Universidad de Barcelona-Horsori. 2012.

How to Cite

Vaello Orts, J. (2013). Teachers´ attitude. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (327), 11–15. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/1304