Astronomy: ancient science, modern science


  • Montse Villar


astronomy, educative policies, astrophysics, international year of astronomy


This article basically answers two main questions: first, why an international year of astronomy? Because of the valuable contribution of astronomy to science and our society. This celebration coincides with the invention of the telescope in 1609 by Galileo and the publication of Astronomia nova by Kepler. Second, why is important that schools spread this science? In order to support, improve and promote the study of science because of its social and cultural importance.


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Author Biography

Montse Villar

Astrofísica. Coordinadora del nodo Español del año internacional de la astronomía

How to Cite

Villar, M. (2014). Astronomy: ancient science, modern science. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (321), 7–10. Retrieved from