Look at the sky: the work of the astronomer


  • Jaime Zamorano Univrsidad Complutense de Madrid


family and school, astronomy, science, telescopes, astronomic instruments, special observatories.


There is a review of the history of astronomy in this article regarding the instruments that have been used in observation of celestial bodies. It also explains roughly the methods and techniques used in this field. On one hand, from the observations in the antiquity, going through Galileo and other contemporary astronomers until it talks about the current astronomers. On the other hand, the use of instruments as the telescope, bigger every time, the spectrograph and radiotelescope help with a more specific research on celestial bodies.


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Author Biography

Jaime Zamorano, Univrsidad Complutense de Madrid

Astrofísico. Profesor de la Univrsidad Complutense de Madrid

How to Cite

Zamorano, J. (2014). Look at the sky: the work of the astronomer. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (321), 23–27. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/1421