
Approaching difficult students, their families and their educational context from the school environment


  • Mónica Taibo de los Ríos Centro de Orientación familiar Lagungo




infant mental disorder, classroom psychotherapy, networking, restorative school, safe school


The Osatuz Program is developed in Bizkaia and managed by the Compensatory Education Consortium. The goal of this program is to attend boys and girls with serious emotional regulation difficulties at school, and it is carried out by child psychotherapists. Its focus is at the same time on the minor, his family, his teachers, and all the community agents involved.


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Author Biography

Mónica Taibo de los Ríos, Centro de Orientación familiar Lagungo

Es coordinadora del programa socioeducativo sanitario Osatuz. Docente en la Universidad de Deusto en el Máster de Terapia sistémico-relacional. Terapeuta de familia. Coordinadora del programa para el fortalecimiento del vínculo “Primeros Pasos” derivado del programa “Primera Alianza”. Investigadora.

Proyecto Osatuz



How to Cite

Taibo de los Ríos, M. (2020). Osatuz: Approaching difficult students, their families and their educational context from the school environment. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (384), 12–18. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i384.y2020.002