Families and school, the same team


  • Alexandra de Santos Torrejón Colegio Sagrada Familia de Moratalaz (Madrid)




distance learning, teaching experience, process of learning, adaptation, relation between families and school


Being a teacher implies being ready to adapt yourself and learn constantly, in our daily practice. However, it is true that the rhythm we are in most of the times moves us away from the need to stop and listen. The COVID-19 is being our great opportunity to stop and pay more attention than ever to our students and their families. This article tries to show my experience of adapting the process of learning to my students and their families in order to work with them according to their interests, needs and motivational experiences.


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Author Biography

Alexandra de Santos Torrejón, Colegio Sagrada Familia de Moratalaz (Madrid)

Maestra de Educación Primaria en el Colegio Sagrada Familia desde 2014. Formación en innovación educativa y dificultades de aprendizaje. Colaboración con la Asociación Espiral. Ha publicado una entrevista a Robert Swartz para la revista enTERA2.0 y un artículo sobre el juego como instrumento de aprendizaje para la revista Comunicación y Pedagogía.

Familia y escuela, un mismo equipo



How to Cite

Santos Torrejón, A. de . (2020). Families and school, the same team. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (384), 34–40. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i384.y2020.005