How to build coexistence in a school?


  • Rosario Ortega
  • Eva Mº Romera
  • Francisco Córdoba


school organization, school coexistence, coexistence plan, teachers’ training.


The authors of this article commit in taking care interpersonal relationships between students, between teachers and between them, altogether with families, as a central axis for a coexistence process. Different interpersonal relationships, powerful or communicative ones, influence decisively over people sharing a common space, because coexistence is built on an affective basis.


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Author Biographies

Rosario Ortega

Dpto. Psicología. Universidad de Córdoba. Proyecto PO-06-HUM-2175.Junta de Andalucía

Eva Mº Romera

Dpto. Psicología. Universidad de Córdoba. Proyecto PO-06-HUM-2175.Junta de Andalucía

Francisco Córdoba

Dpto. Psicología. Universidad de Córdoba. Proyecto PO-06-HUM-2175.Junta de Andalucía

How to Cite

Ortega, R., Romera, E. M., & Córdoba, F. (2014). How to build coexistence in a school?. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (313), 30–32. Retrieved from