A new extracurricular activity: "rhythm and movement".


  • Mercedes Rodríguez Cobos
  • Carlos Alonso Gallego


music, rhythm, movement, activity for school, integral development.


Given the importance of music in the integral development of people, it arises the idea of working the rhythm and movement from the earliest ages. Thus, it is proposed to offer music in a school as a school activity, and the article explains the objectives they had, the methodology of the activity and the resources and activities that were performed.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Rodríguez Cobos

Profesor de música en el Colegio San José (Valladolid)

Carlos Alonso Gallego

Profesor de música en el Colegio San José (Valladolid)

How to Cite

Rodríguez Cobos, M., & Alonso Gallego, C. (2014). A new extracurricular activity: "rhythm and movement". Journal of Parents and Teachers, (283), 31–34. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/1962