The temple of the muses: static museum and dynamic museum.


  • María Jesús López Lorenzo
  • Jorge Martín Domíncuez
  • Daniel Müller


Museum, change, contemplation, active learning.


The origin of the word museum is found in ancient Greece, and is no other than temple of the muses. At present, however, a change is advocated: that museums should cease to be places of contemplation and silence to be spaces for active and dynamic learning.


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Author Biographies

María Jesús López Lorenzo

Orientadora Colegio San Entanislao de Kostka. Salamanca

Jorge Martín Domíncuez

Estudiante de prácticas en pedagogía

Daniel Müller

Estudiante de prácticas en pedagogía

How to Cite

López Lorenzo, M. J., Martín Domíncuez, J., & Müller, D. (2014). The temple of the muses: static museum and dynamic museum. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (294), 30–33. Retrieved from